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Jan, Feb, March 2013
ADOPTED Genna von Gotha is a stunning 2 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Imani von Idstein is a stunning 6 year old long haired AKC German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Shelly von Siegen is a striking looking 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mitzy von Mehren is an adorable 12 month old petite German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Katarina von Kamen is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jamie von Jever is the sweetest 10 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Lacy von Lubz is a wonderful 9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nala von Nieheim is the cutest 2 year old shepherd mixed with some fun smaller breeds. |
ADOPTED Mandy von Mandelbaum is a beautiful 10 month old German Shepherd. Good with small dogs. |
ADOPTED Titan von Taucha is the most delightful 4 month old Newfie mix puppy. (our best guess) |
ADOPTED Bear von Balve is a striking looking 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rockwell von Rees is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kohl von Polein is a stunning, XLarge 3 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Todd von Treffurt is a wonderful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hannah von Holzen is the most stunning 7 month old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ariel von Aach is a stunning 4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Willow von Wilsmar is a striking looking 12 month old black German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sarah von Speicher is a beautiful 11 month old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Lark is a petite, 12 month old, curious mix of breeds with a sparkling personality. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Shiloh von Sebnitz is the sweetest 8 year old German Shepherd mix. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Zack von Zihna is a wonderful and so handsome 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Linus von Schultz is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd mix with the most beautiful coloring. |
ADOPTED Buddy von Breisach is a 22 month old picture perfect, gorgeous, XL German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hero von Hoxter is a stunning 2 year old larger sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kristoff von Kirn is the sweetest 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ronnie von Riesa is a very sweet 18 month old shepherd mix boy. |
ADOPTED Ivan von Ingel is a wonderful 12 week old puppy. |
ADOPTED Duke von Dobeln is a stunning 3 month old purebred German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rin Tin Tin von Roding is the most amazing 5 year old black sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Shadow von Selm is a wonderful 4 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Lobo von Lich is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lazlo von Lorch is a stunning 18 month old plush coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Willy von Wittlich is a gorgeous 9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Melissa von Marbach is an adorable 15 week old puppy. |
ADOPTED Bitzy von Berlin is the cutest 15 week old puppy. |
ADOPTED Gretchen von Gronau is the sweetest 12 month old German Shepherd you will find. |
ADOPTED Tami von Tessen is a wonderful, shy 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sheba von Schule is a delightful 16 month old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mylie von Wilsmar is a gorgeous 12 month old classic German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Anna von Arnstein is a striking looking 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Snicker von Schweich is an adorable 12 month old shepherd mixed with something sweet and fuzzy. |
ADOPTED Ranger von Rosrath is a handsome 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kash von Lancaster is a gorgeous 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jimmy von Jahren is a beautiful 12 week old shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Memphis von Munich is a wonderful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Perry von Pottsdam is an adorable 18 month old fluffy mix of cuteness. I'm a special boy ... |
ADOPTED Marly von Moers is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Kiera von Koblenz is an adorable 9 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Genevieve von Goch is a beautiful 3 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Buzz is a handsome 2 year old classic black and tan pure bred German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sunshine von Schwaan is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Darcy von Danube is a stunning 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kate von Kehl is a gorgeous 3-4 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Marnie von Molin is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Valentina von Curtis is the most delightful 5 month old Shepherd-Boxer mix puppy you will meet! FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Betsy von Ross is a lovely 2.5 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Paloma von Pilsner is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Parker von Prum is a charming 3 year old Spaniel, mixed with something golden. |
ADOPTED Colby von Coburg is an adorable 6 month old Shepherd/Retriever mix. |
ADOPTED Snoopy von Stade is a gorgeous 12 month old larger sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Max von Mutters (Mooters) is an enchanting 3 month old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ryder von Rhens is a very charming and handsome 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Champ von Celle is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kirk von Kirn is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd on the larger side. |
ADOPTED Cyrus von Cham is a stunning 11 month old German Shepherd |
ADOPTED Benz von Benson is an adorable 12 week old puppy. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Brutus von Brake is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Vern von Velden is a wonderful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Raina von Roth is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lori von Lemgo is a beautiful 11 month old Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Sierra von Sayda is a wonderful 12 month old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Lila von Laufen is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nadia von Smith is a stunning, purebred 6 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Ava von Alfeld is a wonderful 3 year old German Shepherd. SWEETIE PIE! FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Ariel von Akin is a wonderful 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chiquita von Cham is a stunning 2.5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Buffy von Bassum is a gorgeous 9 month old shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Pebbles von Bonn is a gorgeous 4 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Tina von Tannenbaum is a gorgeous 2.5 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Garin von Gusten is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Maxwell von Manheim is a gorgeous 7 month old sable German Shepherd. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Rambo von Rhinow is a stunning 2 year old XLarge German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Benji von Bonn is a stunning 4 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Flash von Frankfurt is an adorable 6.5 month old German Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Rommel von Ritz is a beautiful 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kobe von Koln is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Spike von Spenge is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Bradon von Lancaster is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cody von Calw is a wonderful and gorgeous 14 month old Shepherd/Malamute mix. |
ADOPTED Sienna von Seine is the sweetest 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Sara von Nielsen is a stunning 7 month old German Sheperd. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Gillian von Gartz is an adorable 12 month old Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Scottie von Stade is a stunning 6 year old, long haired AKC German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Romulus von Rees is a striking looking 2 year old larger sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sal von Stendal is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nova von Mappin is a stunning little 12 week old shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Amanda von Amberg is the cutest 4 month old shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Nikie von Nidda is the cutest 4-5 month old German Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Rondi von Rottweil is a striking looking 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Shelby von Salvisberg is a beautiful 9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Liesel von Lemgo is the cutest, most loving little 9 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Bella von Belgern is an adorable 3 year old German Shepherd mix on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Skippy von Shein is a wonderful 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Arbor von Alzey is a very handsome 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bear von Bonn is a very handsome 3 year old coated German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Maximus von Marbach is a wonderful and handsome 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lido von Lancaster is a stunning 2 year old golden sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Brody von Borken is a handsome, exuberant 4-month-old German Shepherd (mix?) puppy. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Baltoa aka Max von Berlin is a handsome, hunky 2.5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Christian von Churwalden is a wonderful 7 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Savannah von Seesen is a stunning 4 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ambrozia von Alpen is a delightful 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Shawna von Salzen is a wonderful 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Mollie von Mappin is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd on the smaller side. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Libby von Lintz is an adorable 4 month old Shepherd-Terrier terrier mix puppy. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Rylee von Rundel is a beautiful 2 year old female German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Aileen von Achim is a beautiful 2.5 year old cream colored German Shepherd who is as sweet as she looks. |
ADOPTED Nikita von New Year is a gorgeous, smaller sized 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Holly von Holzen is a beautiful 3.5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Jethro von Jenna is the most wonderful 11 month old Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix. |
ADOPTED Geddy von Geller is the cutest 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Hunter von Hof is the sweetest 9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chad von Chemnitz is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Tiger von Badour is a beautiful 12 month old long haired German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Angelina von Aub is agoreous 12 month old coated German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Roscoe von Ramsey is an adorable 3 year old German Shepherd (mix?). |
ADOPTED Ray von Garidaldi is a striking looking 8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mitch von Mullrose is a handsome 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sabrina von Stein is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rivers von Rotz is a gorgeous 12-18 month old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jazzy von Julich is a stunning 12 month old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Amber von Karstadt is a stunning 14 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Aspen von Alten is a gorgeous 12 month old white German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Felix von Forst is the most handsome 2 year old bi-color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTION Shannon von Salzen is a striking looking 3 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Trina von Tessen is the sweetest 3 year old German Shepherd mix on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Ruby von Rudolph is an adorable 4.5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Marin von Mirow is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Delilah von Dieburg is a very sweet 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Knox von Knoxville is the most adorable and sweet 5 month old German Shepherd puppy! |
ADOPTED Trevor von Torme is a stunning 5 month old sable German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Otto von Ostern is a very large, stunning 14 month old classic German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Choco von Cobourg is a very handsome 8 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nero von Nebra is a gorgeous 2 year old sable German Shepherd. URBAN TRAINING GRADUATE! |
ADOPTED Leo von Lenzen is a large, stunning 18 month old Shepherd mixed with Golden Retriever or Leonberger. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Levi von Leun is a wonderful 9 month old German Shepherd mix. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Shoshone von Spalt is a gorgeous 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rebel von Roding is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hannover von Harburg is a tall, gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Aero von Adorf is a striking looking 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rupert von Runkle is a wonderful 2.5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lottie von Ryan is a gorgeous 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rocko von Rains is an amazing 4 year old German Shepherd (mix??) aka Kissy Bear. |
ADOPTED Harper von Hennef is a handsome 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Theo von Teitels is the cutest, and the biggest 4.5 month old German Shepherd puppy we've seen in a while. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Gabe von Glucklick is an irresistibly cute "perfectly-sized" 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Scout von Saxler is the most loving 2 year old Shepherd/Husky mix boy you will meet. |
ADOPTED Dwight von Dohna is a striking looking, large 3 year old pure black German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Constance von Calw is a beautiful and very sweet 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Trudi von Tripdis is a wonderful 4-5 month old German Shepherd mix puppy. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Olivia von Olfen is a very sweet, smaller sized 18 month old German Shepherd (mix). |
ADOPTED Tessa von Tonning is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lobo von Ladenburg is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd. |
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Copyright © 2004-07 Westside German Shepherd
Rescue. All rights reserved.
Updated 3/29/2013